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This community of practice is open to all staff and leaders in colleges and universities who have a role and interest in gathering student and staff views on their digital experience.

Autumn webinar series

Our webinar series will start up again in September when we will be sharing the findings from the 2023/24 FE learner and HE student surveys and preparing for the 2024/25 surveys. Dates and details will be available soon.

Join our active community of practice

There is a strong emphasis on leadership by the community, learning from each other and sharing what works. It is a community that welcomes both experienced participants and those who have not previously used insights but who would like to find out more. Our events usually take place in May and November each year.

Community Teams site

We also have a community Teams site which is available to staff who work in organisations subscribed to the digital experience insights service. The aim is to facilitate sharing of effective practice, problem solving and collaboration between service users and create a space where challenges and any special interests of the group can also be discussed. We also hope it will help the us to better understand community needs and inform service development.

Joining the Teams site is easy – just follow the QR code link below or complete our registration request form and the community facilitators will be in touch to welcome you and give you access.

We have prepared a welcome pack to help you get on board and find your way around.

QR code to access the DEI community Teams site
QR code link to registration form to join the digital experience insights Teams community.

Benefits of membership

  • Subscribers to the Jisc digital experience insights service receive two priority places per institution for each of the community of practice network events held each year as well as at any additional support webinars
  • Staff share how they are implementing insights service within their organisation
  • Sessions on what works and support with data collection and analysis
  • Introduction to resources that will help you make effective use of the insight service
  • Opportunities to network and learn from others
  • Updates on latest initiatives and research
  • A closed mailing list focusing on your data insights challenges and successes

I very much enjoyed the whole event. It was really great to hear about what other institutions have been doing.

Bronwen Swinnerton, senior research fellow in digital education, University of Leeds

Impressive how many institutions are making very positive gains through insights. We’ll get left behind if we don’t join in!

Participant at digital experience insights community of practice event (November 2018)

Previous community of practice events and webinars

  • 6 June 2024 - Joint building digital capability and digital experience insights community of practice. The recording and resources will be available from our events page soon.
  • 16 May 2024 - an introduction to Jisc's digital maturity framework: looking at the data maturity elements that relate to the digital experience insights surveys. The recording and resources will be available from our events page soon.
  • 10 April 2024 - analysing your qualitative data. We shared the approaches and methods we use and provided a space for others to discuss approaches they have found to be effective. The recording and resources are available from our events page.
  • 5 March 2024 - International students’ digital experience: understanding and mitigating the ‘digital shock’. Hearing about the digital border crossings and digital shocks that impact the learning experience when coming to study in the UK and how to mitigate against these. The recording and resources are available from our events page.
  • 8 February 2024. Presenting your digital experience insights survey findings. This practical workshop explained how to transform your data into easily-sharable and insightful presentations using our ready-prepared templates. We also had a member story on Accessibility gaps: insights from student and staff surveys from Jim Turner from Liverpool John Moores University. The recording and resources are available from our events page.
  • 17 January 2024. FE focus: unleashing your inner data geek! How to launch your surveys and engage participants with hints and tips from other service users. The recording and resources are available from our events page.
  • 11 December 2023. Exploring the FE professional services staff digital experience in 2022/23. The recording and resources are available from our events page
  • 8 December 2023. Exploring the HE professional services staff digital experience in 2022/23. The recording and resources are available from our events page
  • 29 November 2023. online joint building digital capabilities and digital experience insights community of practice: Digital insights and capabilities in an ever-changing landscape. The recording and resources will be available from our events page
  • 3 November. Exploring the FE teaching staff digital experience in 2022/23. The recording and resources are available from our events page
  • 2 November. Exploring the HE teaching staff digital experience in 2022/23. The recording and resources are available from our events page
  • 19 October 2023: Getting ready to launch your 2023/24 digital experience insights surveys: support and guidance. The recording and slide deck are available from our events page.
  • 6 October 2023: Sharing findings from the 2022/23 FE learner survey. The recording and resources are available from our events page
  • 5 October 2023: Sharing findings from the 2022/23 HE student survey. The recording and resources are available from our events page

Older events

19 June 2023

Webinar focussed on analysing the qualitative data from your DEI surveys. More information is available from our events page.

8 June 2023

Our summer 2023 BDC/DEI community of practice event was held on 8 June 2023 at City University, London, with the theme 'Digital transformation: perspectives on implementing change'. Visit the event page for further details.

19 May 2023

Webinar focussed on analysing the quantitative data from your DEI surveys. More information is available from our events page.

18 April 2023

Service update and focus on engaging participants in your surveys. Copies of presentations, recordings and transcripts are available from our events page.

7 December 2022

The sixth joint building digital capability and digital experience insights community of practice event. Several organisations shared practice, ideas and issues around enhancing student, staff and organisational digital capability, particularly in the current context with a move to more online delivery. They also discussed approaches to gathering students and staff expectations and experiences of technology in the current changing context. Copies of presentations, recordings and transcripts are available from our events page.

14 November 2022

2022/23 digital experience insights surveys: a one-hour webinar on the benefits of involvement, how to get started, getting the most out of your surveys and on useful resources to help you to plan, implement, analyse and use your data to enhance the digital experience of users. A recording of the event and a transcript is available from our event page.

26 May 2022

Learn about how staff and leaders in higher and further education are developing the digital environment, experience and capabilities of students and staff. Please visit our events page for the event recording and resources.

5 April 2022

Hear about how our community champions of 2022 are sharing effective practice in both FE and HE and helping their communities to collaborate and flourish. A recording of the event is available from the event page

3 March 2022

How are your professional services staff experiencing the digital environment? Following on from our reports on the digital experiences of learners/students and teaching staff, we launched the 2020/21 digital experience insights survey findings for professional services staff. The recording and transcript from the event are available on our event page.

30 November 2021

Joint building digital capability and digital experience insights community of practice event, delivered in partnership with University of Sunderland. The recording, transcript and materials from are available from our event page.

19 May 2021

This event was co-hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University. A summary of the event is available on our blog. Presentations from Jisc and Manchester Metropolitan University (transcript [Word]), some of our members (transcript [Word]) and the City of Wolverhampton College (transcript [Word]) are available from YouTube.

17 November 2020

This event was co-hosted by the University of Derby. The recording of this event (transcript [Word]) is available on YouTube alongside a blog post providing a summary of the themes from the day

22 September 2020

Webinar on getting started with your 2020 digital experience insights surveys. View the recording (YouTube) and recording transcript (Word)

17 September 2020

Webinar providing an overview of the findings from the FE learner digital experience insights survey 2020: UK further education. View the recording (YouTube) and recording transcript (Word)

16 September 2020

Webinar providing an overview of the findings from the HE student digital experience insights survey 2020: UK higher education. View the recording (YouTube) and recording transcript (Word)

21 May 2020

Online community of practice event co-hosted by the University of Northampton. View the recording (YouTube)

14 May 2020

Webinar: How to analyse your survey data (Slideshare)

4 March 2020

Webinar: How to maximise your response rates (recording, slides)

6 November 2019

Staffordshire University. Slides and recordings are available from our digital insights blog

16 October 2019

Webinar: What's new for digital experience insights service in 2019 (recording, slides [Powerpoint])

22 May 2019

Birmingham. Information available from our events page.

23 January 2019

Slides from webinar (Slideshare)

14 November 2018

Birmingham. Information available from our events page