Advice and guidance
The guidance below will help you at every stage of your insights surveys – planning and implementation to engaging respondents, data collection and analysis as well as responding to your findings.
Quick guide to using the digital experience insights (DEI) surveys
This guide will help you get started with your digital experience insights surveys. It takes you through the essential processes in eight basic steps from logging in to analysing, presenting and benchmarking your findings.
Using insights surveys
This comprehensive guide to using insights surveys (Google document) covers the following topics:
- Data protection and management
- Accessing your survey(s)
- Planning to run your survey(s)
- Adding your own customised questions to your survey(s)
- Setting up a survey for a prize draw
- Launching and distributing your survey(s)
- Engaging respondents in your insights survey(s)
- Viewing, downloading, analysing and benchmarking your data
- Help and support
Analysing and understanding your insights survey data
This guide will help you to analyse and understand your insights survey data (Google document). It covers basic analysis, accessing your organisational and benchmarking data as well as common analysis operations.
Also see our videos on how to access the analyse dashboard and how to use the DEI analysis templates to present your data.
Joining our digital experience insights (DEI) community Teams site
This community Teams site is available to staff who work in organisations subscribed to the digital experience insights service. The aim is to facilitate sharing of effective practice, problem solving and collaboration between service users and create a space where challenges and any special interests of the group can also be discussed. We also hope it will help the us to better understand community needs and inform service development.
Joining the Teams site is easy – just follow the QR code link or complete our registration request form and the community facilitators will be in touch to welcome you and give you access.

We have prepared a welcome pack to help you get on board and find your way around.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. If you have a question that we haven't addressed, get in touch via and we will be happy to answer it.
Please do get in touch if you need any help.
Information on new releases for the survey tool can be found on the Jisc online surveys website.
Other Jisc guides
Over the years we have built up a wealth of advice and guidance. Previously published guides relevant to the student digital experience include:
- Jisc guides: our full range of guides including guidance on data analytics and teaching, learning and the student experience
- Jisc online learning benchmark toolkit for further education (Word) or higher education (Word)
- Jisc toolkit: supporting the digital experience of new students for further education (Word) or higher education (Word)
- The Jisc/NUS digital student experiencing benchmarking tool
- A series of 12 learner stories from the digital student project which explore how the factors identified in our research are experienced by twelve real learners
- View learner stories
- Read our summary of key themes from the digital learner stories